in trading is a system for automating and executing
trading tasks and strategies for different market segments, which
is a derivative part of your capital

for Trader Workstation

Key Features:
- AI open source
- Place orders, view trades and positions, access market data, news and account information
- Access via cross-connection or the Internet

- The opportunity to do your own thing, to work, and not to look at charts until your eyes glaze over. You can safely go on vacation or spend time with your family while the robot is actively increasing your capital for you
- No emotional overload and psychological pressure during trading. After all, constant trading is a great stress for a trader. You just enjoy life and movement on the stock exchange is only a pleasure for you.
always follows the algorithm precisely and does not deviate from it. Unlike you with your indecision, speculations and expectations about the trend.
- Finally, as soon as a signal to make a trade is received, the robot reacts instantly. Such speed of reaction, tracking information and processing is not available to everyone



$25000 | $50000 | $100000 |


2.20 million customer accounts
75.5% privately held
$12.2 billion of equity capital

$2.05 mln average daily income on deals
$9.0 billion of excess regulatory capital
$525 billion turnover of crypto assets
Before you en tru st you r m on ey to a b rok er, it's im p ortan t to m ak e su re it w ill h old u p in b oth th e calm an d th e storm . Stab le cap ital, a b alan ced b alan ce sh eet an d au tom ated risk con trols all h elp p rotect ou r clien ts from m ajor trad in g losses